
  1. 在 GitHub Trending 上发现一个项目 Bulletproof React :React 项目的架构实践


我们在划分项目目录结构时,对于有些模块的边界划分是清晰的,但随着参与维护的人越来越多,后面极有可能出现相互引用内部私有模块的混乱情况,这时候可以通过 ESLint 规则加以约束,比如如下配置,禁止了直接引用 @/we-plugins子目录下的文件:

    'no-restricted-imports': [
        patterns: [
            group: ['@/we-plugins/*/*'],
            message: '不能使用 @/we-plugins 插件的私有模块',
import { A } from '@/we-plugins'  // OK
import B from '@/we-plugins/xxx/B' // ERROR
  1. NX 前端集成框架,支持 React、Angular

Nx is a smart and extensible build framework to help you architect, test, and build at any scale — integrating seamlessly with modern technologies and frameworks while providing a distributed graph-based task execution, computation caching, smart rebuilds of affected projects, powerful code generators, editor support, GitHub apps, and more
